running, barre and crossfit – oh my?!

whoa? this past week was all full of different kinds of fitness. between my normal running “schedule,” a pure barre class and then a crossfit drop in on saturday – you could say that my body is extremely sore. but nevertheless, it was totally worth it. i think the best part of last week was being able to push my body a little more – more so by trying different types of exercise; switching up the running routine. however, i must say – i am feeling great during my last couple runs…averaging within the 9:00-9:30 minute/mile pace which is typically a quicker training pace for me. i think over the next few months, i am going to focus a little more on shorter runs – that way when i gear up for longer distances i am well rested and not burnt out from longer distances. sometimes you have to put your body first in the equation.

and on top of my running, i am starting to sprinkle in some other exercise routines to build up the rest of my body – i am all about trying new things. and that’s exactly what i am doing with pure barre. purchasing 10 classes, i wanted to commit to something else other than running to ensure that i am completing a little more cross training in my workout mix. i find that by working out other muscles, it actually helps my runs – so win-win on that front. and man, last week’s class truly (and literally) kicked my butt – i swear my booty is still sore a few days later. that’s when you know you’ve engaged some new muscles…i haven’t felt that sore since my gymnastics days!

and if i thought i couldn’t be anymore sore than i already was, keith and i decided to drop in to a crossfit class at clermont crossfit on saturday morning. now, it has been “oh a good 2.5 years” since i’ve done a crossfit class AND this was keith’s first one EVER – so needless to say we just wanted to make it out alive. the best part, we have some friends that go to the gym so it at least made us feel a lot more comfortable coming in for a workout. that’s always the most important part (in my opinion), the welcoming atmosphere that motivates you to keep going throughout a workout. and luckily, on saturdays they complete a partner WOD – so keith and i were able to team up and tackle to workout of the day together. somehow, i got lucky and it was truly right in my wheelhouse back from my crossfit days…shoulder to overhead, sit-ups and double unders – with some running laps in between. and wow, was i extremely proud of keith – for his first crossfit workout, he absolutely crushed it. and for me, the extra motivation from him was exactly what i needed. a perfect way to start the weekend.

but, time for the body to recover and then it’s back at it again.

until next time

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